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Leading from the front: DC Poonch Vikas Kundal’s unique initiative attracting youngsters towards massive voter participation – Poonch Today
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Leading from the front: DC Poonch Vikas Kundal’s unique initiative attracting youngsters towards massive voter participation


Leading from the front: DC Poonch Vikas Kundal’s unique initiative attracting youngsters towards massive voter participation

Leading from the front: DC Poonch Vikas Kundal’s unique initiative attracting youngsters towards massive voter participation


POONCH: With the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) in force and notification for the first two phases issued, DC Poonch Vikas Kundal (IAS) has introduced unique initiatives to reach out to youngsters, including first-time voters in the district, by organizing various programs under the SVEEP campaign.

Among various initiatives taken, the kite flying event remained a much talked-about initiative in the public sphere, and people hailed DC Poonch for his vision of attracting young voters towards massive voter participation on September 25 in the three-phase assembly elections that are scheduled for September 18, September 25, and October 1. During SVEEP campaign days, DC Poonch visited all the tehsils of the district and had one-on-one discussions with first-time voters even while sitting on the school desks of the classrooms. Girl’s football, boxing, and mixed-gender hockey matches were also organized to generate enthusiasm among the youngsters to vote in maximum numbers. DC Poonch stressed to the youngsters that they should play their role effectively in strengthening Indian democracy. During the SVEEP campaigns of previous parliamentary elections, there was no enthusiasm shown by the administration as reports of poor planning and financial foul play came into the public domain frequently. Some people alleged that some blue-eyed employees of former DCs managed their posting in DC office in election-related activities for years and were questioned on various accounts of their various inefficiencies and some foul plays, but shockingly, they were not taken to task by the successive DCs. But after a long time, the district administration led from the front by DC Poonch Vikas Kundal (IAS), after taking over as DC Poonch, has introduced unique ideas for guiding the youngsters towards massive voter participation. The DC Poonch, with his hawk eyes and visible strong ground presence, reportedly has formed various election-related committees and directed them to work efficiently to ensure successful elections with massive voter participation. In a blunt message, he has issued notices to some employees who were seen taking part in political activities. None of the DCs in the past mustered the guts to take on those employees who made the mockery of the system by their open participation in political activities and used to show eyes to the entire system. Those employees were finally paid back in the same coin by the DC Poonch with the issuance of notices, and it would be interesting to see whether these notices will lead the erring employees to face suspension or not. Reportedly, the DC Poonch is personally looking at every aspect related to the election, including having hawk eyes on social media platforms. Known as the emerging hard taskmaster in the bureaucratic circle from an administrative point of view, he has also introduced discipline in the administrative machinery during his initial days, as officers of various departments and some traditional touts of the administration who used to sit in the DC office chamber for long hours and were involved in massive financial scams with the protection of former DC now hesitate to visit frequently as an impression has been generated fast in the administrative setup that the new DC means business only. In spite of his tough stance, some crooked employees from some high-profile departments have managed their entry into the DC office and are trying to bring DC into their fold to run their traditional scam factories. Going by the initial days, DC is seen leading from the front, but now the question arises: Will the new DC undo the damages done to the administrative setup from all angles by his predecessor and also prove his administrative worth by handling all types of challenges in addition to introducing new developmental ideas and strict administrative discipline to restore public faith in the administration? Only time will tell.



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