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Where is 132 kv transmission line? Six years have passed – Poonch Today
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Where is 132 kv transmission line? Six years have passed


Where is 132 kv transmission line? Six years have passed

Where is 132 kv transmission line? Six years have passed


POONCH: Last year in August 2019, the then Commissioner/Secretary PDD during his visit to Poonch said that  work on 132 kv transmission line was expected to be completed within six months as all pending issues were cleared. Commissioner PDD had a review of progress on 132KV line, in presence of DC Poonch and both of them said that work on 132 KV line was expected to be completed by year end, but even, after more than one year of that announcement of Commissioner/Secretary PDD, there are no whereabouts of 132 kv transmission line.  It is pertinent to mention here that 132 kv line is the most prestigious project for the district and always considered as a lifeline of Poonch district. The said line suffered damages twice, once in 2012 and second time during September 2014 floods. 132 kv line was provided to Poonch district when late Mufti Sayeed was Chief Minister during his first tenure. When the said line suffered damages during 2014 floods, people were optimistic that the said line will be realigned within an year, but shocking, more than six years have passed and people are still suffering from power curtailment. On this most sensitive issue, even Poonch leadership remained silent and this shows they have no vision as their main motto is to play only vote bank politics to befool innocent people. They have nothing to do with the development of Poonch district. When the  same 132 kv transmission line suffered damages in 2012, the same line was restored within record four months, but when the said line again suffered damages in 2014 floods, it has not been restored yet even when more than six years have passed. It shows that how administration has taken everything lightly on the most prestigious project. District administration needs to bring into public domain every information related to this project and reason of huge delay in the implementation of the project on the ground, because this transmission line is everything for Poonch district from development point of view.



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