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Poonch police remained unsuccessful against drugs, other social evils; Officers hoodwink all through “Once in a Blue Moon” efforts – Poonch Today
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Poonch police remained unsuccessful against drugs, other social evils; Officers hoodwink all through “Once in a Blue Moon” efforts


Poonch police remained unsuccessful against drugs, other social evils; Officers hoodwink all through “Once in a Blue Moon” efforts

Poonch police remained unsuccessful against drugs, other social evils; Officers hoodwink all through “Once in a Blue Moon” efforts


POONCH: Drug terrorism has spread its tentacles in the entire district, but no strong policy has been made by the Poonch police to launch a scathing attack against those involved in this trade.

Many youngsters lost their lives due to drugs, and still, drug peddlers are seen roaming freely here and there and doing their business. Many times, police officials were seen giving press releases and sometimes making “once in a blue moon” efforts about huge quantities of drugs captured having high value in the international market. But by and large, the roots of drug terrorism were not challenged by the police, and as a result, drug terrorism has spread throughout the entire district. Some police officials were seen adopting a time-pass policy, some were seen running their agenda of cherry-picking efforts just to be in the news through their sources in society, and some paid people in the fourth estate to build a positive outlook about them among the people. Meanwhile, in encountering other social evils, police officers were seen as weak, and an impression was generated in the town over the years that the district was at the mercy of God. Capturing of market space by shopkeepers and rehri walas, rash driving of tractors, illegal parking of vehicles on main roads and other streets, police officials were seen adopting a time-pass attitude, and this led to huge inconvenience to the common man. These concerns of public importance were never raised by anybody, because the majority of self-styled civil society members have their concerns about personal benefits from police officers. Many undeserved people got PSOs, and this raised a big question mark for the police. Moreover, officers were also seen encircled by “Guldasta gang” members, and as a result, issues of common people were never addressed by the police on merit. Drug terrorism has become strong in the district, and almost all pockets have come under its influence. The police, despite having full information about those involved in this business, never launched a full-fledged drive against this menace. Although some cases of the attachment of property by police against those involved in drugs were reported, overall, police remained unsuccessful in eliminating this menace. At the police station level, some drug awareness programs were also organized,  but after the day of the program, no concrete efforts were made to maintain the tempo against drugs. On the one hand, the district has been facing a drug crisis, but the incidents of the revival of terrorism in the region have given tough times to the police officials. Due to the lack of a concrete policy from the Poonch police against all evils, including the revival of terrorism, people expect strong action from the police to free the district from all evils, including terrorism. It is high time for the Poonch police to form a high-level strategy to completely eliminate terrorism, the support system of terrorism, the drug mafia, and other forms of social evil. The presence of police needs to be felt on the ground in every area of the district, because over the years, some officers at the higher ranks have hoodwinked the public with their “once in a blue moon efforts” against drugs and other social evils. The region in general and Poonch district in particular required efficient policing to win the confidence of people by launching an all-out war against various forms of crime, the absence of which will force the district to become a disturbed area once more because the credibility of the police in the eyes of the common man due to the weak policing over the years has become low, which definitely required an effort from the police to increase this credibility with performance-oriented efforts in every area of public concern.



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