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Not CPO Rajouri but AD Planning was given full control over all departments; AD admits, “I am powerful” – Poonch Today
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Not CPO Rajouri but AD Planning was given full control over all departments; AD admits, “I am powerful”


Not CPO Rajouri but AD Planning was given full control over all departments; AD admits, “I am powerful”

Not CPO Rajouri but AD Planning was given full control over all departments; AD admits, “I am powerful”


RAJOURI: The awful state of affairs of Rajouri administration has now started to come in public domain which shows that how full fledge Chief Planning officers were sidelined over the years and an Assistant Direction Planning who was later promoted as Deputy Director was given full control over all departments by Deputy Commissioner’s over the years. Highly placed sources within the DC Office Rajouri told “POONCH TODAY” that financial releases to all departments were regularly passed through him, thereby completely sidelining Chief Planning officer. Earlier, to win the confidence of a former DC who lost his close one, the said AD immediately called few contractors and directed them to make a road in a hurry up to the house of a former DC to ensure convenience to those people who visit there and by this tact, he started winning confidence of successive Deputy Commissioners in addition of handling all funds related affairs. Reacting to “POONCH TODAY” story on social media, the said AD accepted that he is powerful person in Rajouri administration. In an arrogant way by projecting his abilities, he wrote, “I qualified PSC twice and remained youngest lecturer at the age of 23. Thanks for giving me more popularity and showing my power to whose who were not aware of the same.” The open acceptance of facts by him clearly shows that the said officer accepted the “POONCH TODAY” story in which it was mentioned that not DC but an Assistant Director was running affairs of Rajouri administration. Playing smartly for the future, he praised Rajouri media indirectly and questioned that why none of the media persons from Rajouri ever quoted any such false story against him, completely ignoring the famous saying that “All are not chips of the same block” On one hand, he accepted that he is powerful in Rajouri’s administration and on the other hand, he was saying that the story was concocted.  However, the said Deputy Director has been eyeing the post of Chief Planning officer Rajouri or Poonch because to majority of corrupt officers, Poonch is a “Dubai” and a “backward” district for a common man.


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